DBT For Addiction

Find Serenity; Reclaim Your Life

a woman on a dock looking at a calm lake and peaceful mountains in the distance

Embrace Recovery with DBT

Battling addiction can seem like an overwhelming challenge, but you're not climbing this mountain alone. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a proven, research-backed approach uniquely tailored to help with substance use disorders. Inspired by countless stories of recovery, our program offers a supportive and step-by-step journey to help you break free from addiction, showcasing the life-changing potential of DBT with every success story.

What is DBT for Addiction?
DBT for addiction goes beyond typical therapy; it's a focused blend of practical behavioral strategies and mindfulness—a way of becoming more aware and present in your life. This method guides you to better understand and control your actions, making positive life changes possible. With mindfulness and actionable skills, DBT tackles the complexities of addiction, laying down a solid base for durable recovery.

Addressing Addiction Through Four Core Skillsets

Cultivating Mindfulness to Support Abstinence

Mindfulness is a cornerstone of relapse prevention. By bringing awareness to the present, it helps to break the cycle of addictive behaviors, enabling you to make conscious choices in support of your sobriety.
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Practice mindfulness to recognize and disarm triggers for substance use.
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Develop a heightened awareness of bodily sensations to manage cravings with clarity.
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Embrace each moment with acceptance, reducing the risk of relapse through present-moment living.
Mastering Distress Tolerance in Addiction Recovery

When cravings hit like a tidal wave, Distress Tolerance is your anchor. This set of skills is invaluable for those in addiction recovery, offering strategies to withstand urges without succumbing to substance use.
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Implement coping skills to endure cravings and emotional upheaval without relapse.
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Recognize and halt destructive behaviors before they lead to substance use.
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Accept and navigate the discomfort of withdrawal and recovery with poise and dignity.
Emotion Regulation for Managing Addiction

Emotional turbulence can often fuel addictive behaviors. Emotion Regulation is key to navigating these tumultuous feelings, allowing you to manage your emotional world without turning to substances.
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Identify and label your emotions to understand their influence on your cravings and behaviors.
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Learn strategies to reduce susceptibility to emotional triggers and prevent impulsive actions.
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Build resilience against emotional intensity that can lead to substance use, fostering emotional balance that supports sobriety.
Building Interpersonal Effectiveness for Sobriety

Addiction often erodes the foundation of our relationships. Interpersonal Effectiveness is about rebuilding and strengthening these connections. It’s essential for communicating your journey and needs without jeopardizing your sobriety.
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Assert your needs and seek support in a manner that respects both you and your loved ones.
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Foster relationships that support your recovery and distance from those that jeopardize it.
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Skillfully manage conflicts to maintain sobriety-focused relationships and community.

DBT: Transforming Lives Beyond Substance Use

A New Dawn of Clarity

Welcome each day with purpose and presence. DBT cuts through the chaos of addiction, guiding you to a calm and clear state of mind.

Resilience in Recovery

With DBT, discover inner strength that turns recovery challenges into victories, charting a resilient path to sobriety.

Renewed Connections

DBT strengthens relationships, teaching effective communication and boundary-setting to support your journey away from addiction.